Tag Archives: Quilt Show 2018

Sunday at the Quilt Show

After a very busy day on Saturday it was doors open again on Sunday morning ready to welcome another stream of visitors.        Judy’s hand quilting demonstration attracted attention and Norma, Jenny and the rest of the Gift … Continue reading

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Saturday at the Quilt Show

After months of planning, lots of late nights putting in final stitches and a busy day setting up on Friday, all was ready Saturday morning for Quilt Show 2018. Banners out. Displays ready    Art Quilters and Birds of a … Continue reading

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Patchwork Teahouse – a last visit

We are looking forward to sharing lots of specials with you this weekend as this is the last show we will be doing before we fully retire.   We will have lots of fabric cuts, mystery packs and stash busters, … Continue reading

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Waverley Art Quilters at Quilt Show 2018

As part of Quilt Show 2018 there will be a special display of quilts made by our Art Quilt group showcasing their recent work. Each month has a theme and the art quilters respond to the topic with a piece … Continue reading

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Quilt Show 2018 is nearly here

The first weekend in June, at the Mulgrave Community Centre. Mark it on your calendar now. There will be over 100 quilts on display. Every style and technique you can imagine. From bright and bold stunners from beginner quilters, to … Continue reading

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Quilt Show 2018 Raffle Quilt

Raffle tickets are now on sale for the beautiful quilt created especially for our show. Proceeds go to the Waverley Benevolent Society. Tickets are $2 each, contact a Waverley Patchworkers member or buy your tickets at  Quilt Show 2018, 2 … Continue reading

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