June Monthly Meeting Cancelled

The meeting that was scheduled for Monday 28 June has been cancelled. We have been advised by Monash Council that due to the current COVID restrictions we can only have 50 people in the hall. We have been greatly exceeding this number at meetings in 2021.

Other group meetings over the next two weeks may be going ahead, check with your convenor – details in your Newsletter.

Remember to wear a mask, check in with the venue QR code, hand sanitise and maintain social distancing when out and about.

The Gift Quilt Sewing Day date is now changed to Wednesday 7 July due to a tennis tournament.

About Waverley

Waverley Patchworkers Inc is a group of about 300 patchwork and quilting enthusiasts located in the eastern suburbs of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. We meet regularly to share our passion for all things textile.
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