Category Archives: News

July Virtual Meeting

Over 40 members and a few guests attended this month’s meeting. On a cold night all appreciated that was from the comfort of our own homes. We welcomed speaker Lisa Walton beaming in from her studio in Sydney and she … Continue reading

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Back to online

Planning in the time of COVID is very challenging because rules change month by month. We are in lockdown again, however this month we have been able to book a guest speaker who is well prepared to deliver online. The … Continue reading

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April Sit and Sew

Over 60 members came together for an evening of stitching and chatting. There was also a great opportunity to enhance personal libraries with a sale of books and magazines from the library collection and donations. A catalogue in the form … Continue reading

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Meet the Committee

It has been a long time coming. Commencing in February 2021 Waverley Patchworkers are again able to meet in person. At the AGM in October 2020 a new Committee was elected, as this was a virtual meeting it was not … Continue reading

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Staying connected

Some of the friendship groups associated with Waverley Patchworkers have stayed in touch during lock down by meeting on Zoom. Crosstown Quilters were the first to do this, encouraged by the husband of one of the members. They decided that … Continue reading

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A little show and tell

Winter is coming to an end but Waverley Patchworkers are still not able to meet in person. This is very challenging but members are keeping in touch with their quilting friends in all sorts of clever ways; social media, video … Continue reading

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We’re not meeting but still stitching

Here is some of the work started or finished by members this June. While it can be a struggle to stay motivated without our regular social connections, Waverley Patchworkers are sewing away, making quilts for themselves and others. Karen has … Continue reading

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May Show and Tell at home

Sadly we were not able to have our Quilt Show this year. Thanks to the kindness of many members in staging and photographing their quilts and works in progress here, instead, is a little of what we are sewing. Let’s … Continue reading

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Stay home and sew – March

All around the world quilters, knitters, spinners and weavers and other crafters are staying at home and getting on with the challenge of self isolation. Thank goodness for a well stocked stash. The reality of social distancing really hit home … Continue reading

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Important Notice

Given the current public health situation we are taking the precautionary measure of cancelling all activities run by Waverley Patchworkers for the months of March and April. The committee will review the situation in early May. Update:At the May meeting … Continue reading

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