Waverley at Showcase

Like many events in the past two years, Victorian Quilters had to radically change the way Quilt Showcase was presented. In 2020 it was cancelled and in 2021 it became a virtual show.

Congratulations to Victorian Quilters and convenor Linda Steele for this remarkable show in difficult times.

As a long time supporter of Showcase Waverley Patchworkers sponsored a significant prize and many of our members entered the quilt show. We were delighted to receive the following letter from Julie Adamson who won Best Original Design. Julie is well known at Waverley having been a guest speaker and taught a wonderful class in silk appliqué.

Dear President, committee and members, firstly my apologies for taking so long in sending my thanks for your generous sponsorship of Showcase.I was honoured to be awarded “Best original design” at the Victorian Quilters Showcase late last year.  Waverley Patchworkers were the major sponsor for this award.
I am absolutely thrilled with the $500 and will be putting together an extensive sewing shopping list!
Your ongoing support of Victorian Quilters is greatly appreciated, especially given these challenging times.
I have attached an image of the quilt but hope to be able to bring the quilt to show the members in the near future and to thank you all personally.  Take care.
Yours faithfully

Julie Adamson

Old Favourites

Waverley Successes

Congratulations to all who entered, and for those who received ribbons and awards, we are so proud.

Morna Sturrock Award

Excellence in Embroidery and Embellishment

Linda Steele

The Great Barrier Reef

Excellence in Domestic Machine Quilting Professional

Runner Up

Innovative – Contemporary Quilts

Linda Crouch

Fibonacci Fandangle


Modern Quilts

Heather Cartmel

Star Garden

Excellence in Use of Colour


Innovative – Contemporary Quilts

Linda Steele



Other Techniques

Annie Andrews

Pretty As No 1

Judges Commendation

Michael Hammer

Mother Nature

Highly Commended

Mainly Pieced Traditional professional

Annie Andrews

Pretty As No 2

Runner up

Mainly Pieced Traditional
two person amateur/professional

Quilter: Naomi Hynes

Dinner Plate Dahlia
pieced by Gayle Adlington

About Waverley

Waverley Patchworkers Inc is a group of about 300 patchwork and quilting enthusiasts located in the eastern suburbs of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. We meet regularly to share our passion for all things textile.
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