In November we had to meet virtually once again and our wonderful speaker Gloria Loughman made sure we ended the year in a spectacular fashion. The presentation on creating landscape quilts was a true master class. Gloria uses photography as a starting point and has developed a number of strategies to interpret these images as quilts. She generously shared many of her ideas, leaving everyone inspired. We were also taken on a trip around the world as Gloria uses images from her travels in her work.

After making a number of realistic landscape quilts, one made by a six year old grandchild opened Gloria’s eyes to what a landscape could be. What follows are some examples shown of that journey of exploration.

In this abstract landscape Gloria used a photo of the Loddon River in Kerang. She picked out the elements she wanted to include then arranged them in a pleasing way.

This linear landscape of the Arctic Circle in Canada has two layers for each element, cutting back to reveal the darker lines. Colour value is used to show distance and the water reflects the sky.
Photographs of both the natural and man made world can inspire a landscape quilt.

Gloria has developed a distinctive technique using strips or tiles to create the background for appliqué. This image of wind turbines off Bruny Island combine painted and print fabrics in the sky to create movement. The quilt also shows Gloria’s mastery of colour.

Student work using the one design shows the huge variety of effects that can be achieved using Gloria’s techniques.
During the talk Gloria took us through the many decisions made on the path to an award winning quilt. We saw this in the one from the cover of Radiant Landscapes hanging behind her in the wonderful studio she has created on the Bellarine Peninsula. More information on her work, publications and online workshops can be found at
Congratulations to Gloria Loughman in winning Best of Show at the Victorian Quilters Quilt Showcase 2021