March Show and Tell
Maybe the weather has been far too hot to do any quilting, or it might be that everyone is working on really large projects. Whatever the reason there were only three quilts for show and tell at our March Monthly Meeting, fortunately they were all stunning. The Gift Quilt team was busy planning the sewing day […]
The Journey
Guest Speakers at our March Monthly meeting were Waverley members Liz and Heather who are also members of the Lions Club of Quilters. They have been involved in The Journey project from its inception and told of the dream to establish a Quilt and Textile Museum here in Victoria. This dream began after a 2011 […]
March Guest Speaker
Our next Monthly Meeting will be held at Mt Waverley Community Centre on Monday 27 March. The guest speaker is Ruth Nunn from Lions Australia. She will be explaining a project that started in 2014 and culminates in a quilt representing Australia and the Oceania area in the Centennial celebrations of Lions International to be held […]
Waverley Art Quilters Summer Challenge
At the end of 2016 members of the Art Quilters were given a brown paper bag. Inside were the instructions to make anything using the enclosed fabric and the idea of focal point. For many the first reaction on seeing the fabric was the paper bag would be easier to use. From the picture it […]
February Show and Tell
We had many lovely quilts on show at the February Monthly Meeting, quite a few are original designs. You will not see all of them here as our photographer was not able to capture one and one is entered in a competitive challenge – all the best Mariya for the next selection round.
Quilting – some things to think about
Desley Maisano of Addicted to Quilts gave a most informative talk to our members on Monday and she has kindly allowed us to publish a summary here for those who could not make it on the night. She also provided some links to designers and tools that she referred to during her talk, just click […]