2015 Quilt In a great success

The Waverley Patchworkers Quilt In theme of Weddings  was very popular. Dresses arrived from just about every decade from the 1920s to the 1990s and were the cause of many conversations during the day. Each had its own story and many were made by family or friends. Some of the purchased ones came from emporia now long gone. Family traditions included the use of a spectacular veil over three generations.

The challenge blocks kept with the theme and Jan’s beautifully embroidered umbrella was the popular choice. The raffle quilt was donated and Fiona was very pleased to be taking home the very pretty garden of hexagons as she said she would never make one herself.

About Waverley

Waverley Patchworkers Inc is a group of about 300 patchwork and quilting enthusiasts located in the eastern suburbs of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. We meet regularly to share our passion for all things textile.
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