Winter is coming to an end but Waverley Patchworkers are still not able to meet in person. This is very challenging but members are keeping in touch with their quilting friends in all sorts of clever ways; social media, video calls, phone and who knows maybe some are writing letters too.
However like all people who create with needle and thread we consider ourselves very fortunate to have a passion that we can pursue in our locked down homes. A healthy stash and a wealth of online purchasing opportunites means there is no supply shortage. Now that mask making duties are done – it is back to quilts. Here is some recent work.
Last month Heather showed us where she sews, overlooking a beautiful park. The foundation piecing that was on the machine is now finished.
Enchanted Star is one of Jacqueline de Jong’s more difficult designs. Fortunately Heather found the instructions and pattern to be spot on correct and she enjoyed the challenge of making this top which is heading up to Sydney for the new owner to complete.
In contrast to the speed in which the above top was made, Janine has finished a UFO started three years ago as a scrap project.
Always a great feeling to have finally finished. Janine is not the only one getting into the UFO pile.
Margaret says she has been on an archeological dig and found a block started in Jinny Beyer’s hand piecing class in 2009, the class sample from Dianne Johnston’s Clam Shells class and a stitchery with hundreds of colonial knots.
All these are now finished and will be made into cushions and a wall hanging. While she enjoyed the hand piecing, embroidery is not Margaret’s cup of tea.
Val made this very sweet cot quilt for a friend’s great grandson. Good to see there is another generation coming on to keep Val busy.
Margaret is the over achiever this month. She has been forced to keep her feet up for a few weeks and used the time to make up all the hexagon blocks she has been fussy cutting for four years. It has all the signs of being fantastic quilt once she is able to put a final arrangement together.
Another quilt made by Margaret, this one uses the longer strips from a bag of Jo Botherway’s scraps. We saw what she did with the short pieces in May. The pattern comes from Evelyn Sloppy’s book Strips and Strings.
Late last year Jo taught Jeanette how to knit a log cabin style blanket that uses one constant colour and lots of left over balls of wool. Many many cold evenings later it is finished.