Following our Annual General Meeting in October, our new President, Jill Abery introduced Rose Lewis the guest speaker who is a Waverley Member even though she lives some distance away.
Rose told us of her early interest in creating in fabric, first as a sewer of clothes despite some family opposition and then as a quilter once she had a home of her own and children to make quilts for. The first class she attended was not pattern based, it focused instead on making original designs and she has worked that way ever since.
Rose has completed some large appliqué quilts that have received awards at our show and around Australia. She brought them with her to display as she told her story. All her appliqué is done by machine and she quilts heavily using a monofilament thread. Her love of trapunto is in evidence in both quilts.
Rose runs her quilting business through her website, she is a very busy lady always trying something new.
The ladies who participated in the June Lyons Scholarship weekend of workshops have made impressive progress. The two day appliqué class with Grace Errea got them started and there were many tops finished or well on the way at the meeting.
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Remember to click on the picture to have a closer look and read about the making of the quilt.
Jill has been back to India since she spoke on the Colours and Crafts of India at our meeting in July. This trip she purchased an absolutely beautiful dowry purse or bag made in Gujarat. It is an exquisite example of Kutch embroidery and is heavily embellished with mirrors. The textile piece was bought from a collector who sources work for museums and is thought to be about 45 years old.