Spring Gathering

We are hosting the Victorian Quilters Spring Gathering on Saturday 12 November and we welcome all quilters to share in this fun day.

Venue:  Mulgrave Community Centre, 335 Wellington Rd. Mulgrave. Easy to get to from the Monash Freeway or Eastlink. The venue cannot be seen from Wellington Rd, it is entered via a driveway to the right of Monash Gardens. This map clearly shows the location.mulgrave-community-centre-google-maps

Doors open 9.30.  Admission $5  You will need to bring your lunch, a mug, hand sewing and show and tell.  There will be lots of scrummy things for morning and afternoon tea. Waverley members don’t forget your plate of goodies.


240720101175The invited speaker is Anna Farago, a Melbourne visual artist and teacher. Her current work investigates the use of feminist art making traditions including embroidery, quilting, natural dyeing, stitched text and patchwork within a contemporary art practice. The works explore my connection with memory and place. Read more about her here

Two beautiful quilts will be raffled as well as some lucky door prizes.

Shops in attendance: Sewn and Quilted, Lilypatches, Can Do Books, Craftpaks and Sewing Connection.

There will be lots of time for sewing, chatting, shopping and viewing the displays which celebrate the 35 years of Waverley Patchworkers.