Waverley Patchworkers

Waverley Patchworkers

What is a Quilt In? It’s an event when quilters gather together to share a relaxing day of sewing, friendship and indulging in delicious food. Waverley Patchworkers have a Quilt In every alternate year.

Join us at this great event, entry is just $10.2013_quiltin_1

Saturday 30 May
10.00am to 4.00pm

Monash Community Centre
355 Wellington Road, Mulgrave

The theme for this year is Weddings! Quilts, dresses and accessories associated with weddings. So much work goes into one big day, here is a chance to have a closer look at these special textile items, some from quite some time ago.

There will be a number of shops in attendance, so bring your pin money.

We have a block challenge each Quilt In. Here is a sample from 2013 when the theme was playing with colour. Can you spot the common fabric? The blocks are made into quilts which we donate as part of our Gift Quilt program after the event.2013_quiltin_2


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