Waverley Art Quilters Summer Challenge

At the end of 2016 members of the Art Quilters were given a brown paper bag. Inside were the instructions to make anything using the enclosed fabric and the idea of focal point. 

For many the first reaction on seeing the fabric was the paper bag would be easier to use. From the picture it doesn’t look so bad. But the silver fabric is woven from a heavy cotton in the warp and metal strips and finer thread in the weft. So it felt awful too. There is nothing good that can be said about the metallic lace.


But a challenge is supposed to be challenging. At the reveals in February and March it was obvious that the Art Quilters are up to it. An amazing array of pieces came back. Most used the given fabric as a background, some used very little and it was almost totally obliterated by paint in one case.

About Waverley

Waverley Patchworkers Inc is a group of about 300 patchwork and quilting enthusiasts located in the eastern suburbs of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. We meet regularly to share our passion for all things textile.
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